
Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath




Yogiraj Gurunath










New Life Awakening


Yogiraj Siddhanath is descended from the Solar Dynasty of Ikshavaku Rama. Its royal Kings and Yogis are the custodians of the sacred science of Raj and Kriya Yoga. His Family Ancestry and Spiritual Ancestry both trace their paths to the same source. Yogiraj, whose mother was blessed by Shiv Goraksha Babaji, would mix the temple vibhuti (holy ash) of Babaji in water and drink it throughout her pregnancy. During his childhood days, Siddhanath was aware of his larger-self dwelling in his helpless little body. From the age of four he would sit long hours in meditation and have visions of Shiva, Krishna, Rama and Christ.

While in school he would meditate deep into the night and move into a profound state of awareness. In his early years, he was blessed with the presence of great Himalayan yogis and divine beings including Barthaharinath, Goddess Durga, Sundernath, Aandmoyi Ma, Yogi SriChand, Shiv Bal Yogi and Christ. His transformation was completed by his deep and personal experience with Shiv Goraksha Babaji who blessed and inspired him to teach Sanatana Dharma, the perennial unity of all religions the world over.

Besides the Himalayan Masters, he is one of the rare Siddhas known to us who is broadly accessible and can impart direct Shivapat, his soul consciousness of thoughtless awareness. He bestows three distinct graces: Shaktipat (kundalini energy transmissions), Pranapat (karma cleansing breath) and Shivapat (still-mind state of soul awareness). This is the true genius of Yogiraj. The sincere will receive this dimension of His Soul Consciousness through direct experience as to what true Yoga is rather than through intellectual exploration.

Siddhanath’s unique contribution to the yogic treasury is his work in 1) The “Unified Field of Consciousness” which is the Yogic still mind state of Soul Awareness called Shivapat. 2) His legacy of the Luminous Swan as to where our soul Consciousness resides in the body; for the first time ever documented in his film ‘Wings to Freedom’, to be released shortly. He convenes Experiential Unified Consciousness Conferences (UCC) the world over, sowing the seeds of peaceful co-existence.

The Hamsa Yoga Sangh, a non-profit organisation founded by Yogiraj Siddhanath, seeks to serve humanity by unveiling the ancient practices of Kriya Yoga and Hamsa Yoga. “Hamsa” means the Swan, and symbolises the Soul. The incoming and outgoing breath in us symbolise the two wings of the swan. The central teaching of HYS is Babaji Kriya Yoga and Siddhanath Healing Enlightenment--the way of the white swan (Hamsa) leading to expanded spheres of Consciousness and Self-Realization. These practices enrich your life step by step, teaching you how to arrest your aging process by awakening the fountain of youth within you.

Yogiraj is a householder Yogi and resides with his wife Shivangini at a forest ashram near Pune, India. He serves humanity to accomplish his vision of New Life Awakening for Earth Peace through Self Peace.